Your Exercises Workout Guide - Practicing Your Modern Day Shishas Asanas

Shirsh Asana
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The most widely known and performed asana is the Sarvangasana, also called the modified Sarvangasana. It is generally done with one leg in front of the other. One can also try to change the position to make the asana more difficult.

The most commonly practiced asana is the Sarvangasana which has the right foot flat on the floor and the left knee resting on the floor as well. The feet are placed in the outer palms of the hands. The legs and torso should be straight, not bent. The spine should be straight as well.

The Shirshasana is practiced in the same way as the Sarvangasana. With one leg on the mat and the other straight and still in the outside of the right foot. However, the left leg is bent so that it rests on the outside of the right foot. The arm must be straight in order to support the body's weight.

The Baddha Konasana is one of the most popular asana as well as a very common asana. One takes the right leg and rest it on the mat next to the right shoulder. In order to be able to perform this asana comfortably, the shin and calf muscles of the right foot must be warmed up beforehand.

For a more challenging Shirshasana, bend the right knee so that the thigh of the right foot is slightly higher than the kneecap. The knee should also remain on the floor. It is necessary to be flexible in the knees in order to get the best effect of this asana.

The Padangusthasana is very similar to the Shirshasana. This can be done in a sitting position or in a standing position. It is possible to extend the arms in order to get a stronger arm workout. To increase the difficulty of this asana, place both hands on the right side of the thighs or the upper thighs.

Another variation of the Shirshasana is called the seated Shirshasana. This requires placing the right knee on the right ankle. The legs can be crossed with both hands placed firmly on the thighs.

The more advanced asana is the Upavisthakonasana, which requires a bent knee, also known as a third krida. In order to improve the intensity of this asana, one can use a bolster which will help in supporting the spine and help the third krida to maintain its shape.

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